Raptor Guidelines

The developers behind Raptor make sure Raptor is a bot used to help out a server’s
administration or to be used for fun. Unfortunately some users may

decide to use Raptor for other reasons, such as abuse against other servers.
The following will go over actions that are not allowed

Guideline #1: Exploiting bugs

Found a dangerous bug with Raptor? Using it to an advantage to cause harm or damage
to Raptor or other servers is prohibited. If you find an exploit, you NEED to report
it IMMEDIATELY to a developer. Don’t know how to get in contact with one?
Join the Raptor Kingdom Discord server and find a user with the Founders role,
and DM them. If this is not possible, consider filling out the bug report form
/bugreport command.

Guideline #2: Spam

Spamming requests from Raptor is not allowed. Although the spam may not be
effective, the attempt itself is not allowed

Guideline #3: Copying Raptor

Creating a copy of Raptor and marketing it as the original and real Raptor will
practically result in an instant blacklist from Raptor. Also, it may result in
actions such as contacting Discord being taken.

Guideline #4: Malicious usage

Using Raptor in a malicious way covers a lot of things. By this I may mean using
Raptor to break the ToS for you. Or using Raptor to attack a user or community

Guideline #5: ToS Violating Servers

Using Raptor on a server that clearly violates the Discord Terms of Service and/or
community guidelines will result in the server getting blacklisted from
using Raptor

Guideline #6: Creating fake Raptor products

Creating fake Raptor products, such as fake Raptor dashboards, websites, or whatever
is not allowed. Such products will not get you instantly blacklisted,

rather a request to take it down will be sent out first, and if refused,
then a blacklist will be issued